Discovering Remida

In autumn 2007 I made my first trip to Reggio Emilia. I went for their annual Reggio Children Institute, which was a week long conference on the Reggio Approach, including a tour of one school. I was excited to see all the ideas, environments and use of materials that I had studied during my thesis in Helsinki.

The one thing however I was most excited to visit was the Remida Centre, which is a Creative Reuse Centre and Education Resource for all Reggio Schools. The idea is they collect clean safe scrap from industry and sort, display and distribute to educators only.

I had already been dreaming and working for some time on a small version of their renowned Remida Centre and I wanted to talk to people there about how to connect and collaborate.

In 2009, I finally launched my own Creative Reuse Centre and in 2011 I took a team to Remida to become part of their network.

Below is a gallery of images of Remida followed by Images from Reggio Children.


Future Office & Garden Lab


I am the space, where I am